Our hypnosis program for weight control is the answer to your willpower issues.Remember, all the hypnosis will do is
motivate you to actually "do" your exercise regularly, but it doesn't tell you what exercises to do.
Over the last three years, I've assessed loads of programs. We've recommended only two, and that is because they are the only ones that have helped me. I thought it would be a good time to share these once again, since a lot of new people have come on board since that time.
The two programs are PACE, by Dr. Al Sears, and Firm and Flatten Your Abs by David Grisaffi. Not only have these programs helped me immensely, our customers have been getting some serious results by combining Dr. Temes' hypnosis sessions with these two programs.
** Recommended Cardio Program ** Let's start with PACE. In the early spring, I reported that I had lost about 15 pounds and lowered my resting heart rate using the PACE program. Most importantly, I had cut my cardio workout time from 45 minutes a day to less than 20 minutes.
Update: I still use the program. I'm down another 10 pounds of fat, and I can't imagine ever going back to the way I used to work out.
Better results with less time - what's not to like?
You can read my review from this spring online.
All of the links are current, and I'm as happy with the program as ever.
Here's the review:
http://www.hypnosisnetwork.com/newsletter/2007/03/29?ref=69 If you don't need to hear more from me, and just want to go to Dr. Sears' page, just go here:
http://www.hypnosisnetwork.com/recommends/pace?ref=69 ** Recommended Abdominal Program ** A lot of you ask us what the best program is for abdominal work.
Personally, I believe that David Grisaffi's is the best program around.
With David's program you can eliminate low back pain and start to build functional abdominal abilities, while gaining strength and muscle tone at the same time.
The program is different than what you will find anywhere else, as it focuses on function, rather than appearance. By this, I mean it helps train the core muscles in your body to help you move and prevent injury. The result is a more defined mid-section, but not the bodybuilder look. Instead, it's the look of someone you just "know" is athletic.
And the workouts aren't crazy hard - I'm no masochist for extreme exercise regimes.
The workout program starts at your current level of abdominal fitness, and builds from there.
Here's how it's affected me: I feel a lot less sore after working out, and am definitely tighter in the middle. I've always had issues with back pain and concerns about back injuries, and I feel much more confident about the condition of my back.
To get more information, simply click below:
http://www.hypnosisnetwork.com/recommends/firmandflatten?ref=69Geoff Dodd, thanks to
The Hypnosis Network
Hypnosis Review: The Benefits of Hypnosis (read all..
Labels: exercises, hypnosis, hypnotic weight loss, ladies, lose weight, obesity, weight loss